About the Parish Council
Cannock Wood Parish Council was formed in 1987 as a consequence of Local Government re-organisation.
The Council is proud that from it’s outset it has always acted without bias to political parties but operates for the benefit of the village of Cannock Wood and it’s residents.
When it was first formed it used to meet monthly in Cannock Wood Methodist Chapel on Thursday evenings. Then a room in the Village Hall became available on the appropriate night so it was felt that it was more convenient to meet there.
The first 15 minutes of each meeting are open to public participation so if you have any concerns about the village do come along and talk with us. You are also welcome to stay and listen to the proceedings of the council after the first 15 minutes but will not be able to participate.
This website carries details of the Clerk to the Council, your local councillors, both parish, district and county, and also Parish Council meetings.
Parish Council documents
A wide range of Parish Council documents are made available through these web pages: